Original Prints
Tattoo Flash
Tattooed Leather
SACRED 27 | Sacred Shen Ring
EXCLUSIVE | Caduceus Metatron
OUROBOROS 5 | Invincible
TREE of LIFE 6 | Hidden
OUROBOROS 4 | Fibonacci
METATRON 24 | Moon Metatron
EXCLUSIVE | Water Hourglass
HEART 18 | Hydrangea Heart
HEART 16 | Triangle
ELEMENTS 7 | Icosahedron Hourglass
BODY 1 | Haemoglobin
MANDALA 43 | Flower Eye
METATRON 20 | Flowing Out
METATRON 15 | TriMet
METATRON 16 | Void
METATRON 19 | Inside
METATRON 18 | Platonic Moons
METATRON 17 | Diamond
HEART 14 | Diamond Rose
HEART 5 | Icosahedron
HEART 8 | Encased
SACRED 41 | Planetary Symbols
TREE of LIFE 5 | Helm of Awe
TREE of LIFE 4 | Protection