Hand cut Copper plates

Etching Press

Luna Moth

Hand cut Copper plates


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Intaglio describes any printmaking technique in which the image is produced by incising into the printing plate –the incised line or area holds the ink and creates the image.

Dionne Marshall works across all intaglio techniques. Including; etching, engraving, drypoint & collagraph. Each piece is crafted by hand, from initial sketch to hand pulling each print through the etching press.

Intaglio describes any printmaking technique in which the image is produced by incising into the printing plate –the incised line or area holds the ink and creates the image. Punctured Artefact works across all intaglio techniques. Including; etching, engraving, drypoint & collagraph. Each piece is crafted by hand, from initial sketch to hand pulling each print through the etching press.
Dropping Soon
Height 12.5 cm x 10 cm width.
Etching & Roulette on Copper Plate.
Featuring a geometric forked fungus beetle.
The forked fungus beetle belongs to a large family of beetles called darkling beetles, Tenebrionidae. The Bolitotherus Cornutus beetle can be found on hard shelf fungi or in crevices in bark where fungi are attached; especially common on beech and maple trees/logs.