All my work is packed with symbolism, whether it be hidden or in a more obvious form.
Here is one that you will find in my art.

• The Dragonfly represents change, transformation, adaptability & self-realisation..

• The Dragonfly means hope, change, love, living freely & to the fullest.
• The Dragonfly has been a symbol of happiness, new beginnings and change for many centuries.

• According to Swedish culture, dragonflies approach people to measure the purity of their soul. They try to check whether people are evil souls.
• According to Vietnamese culture if they fly low, they predict rain. High, they predict sunny and bright. Medium, they predict overcast.
• According to Danish and Portuguese culture, dragonflies represent dark symbolism.

• According to Navajo culture, the dragonfly represents purity and happiness. • According to Japanese culture, a dragonfly represents the end of summer and beginning of winter. • During their lifetime, these insects are brightly coloured. However, they become colourless and transparent after death.
Please note; The information is brief & you may want to research your own information.
| CUSTOM ART | Featuring Dragonflies |
Here is a recent Dragonfly commission. Read More

Visit the TATTOO GALLERY page to see designs which feature insects & nature
| FLASH ART | Featuring Insects |
Head to this link to see a collection of tattoo flash which feature insects (you can purchase them as an instant download)
Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog.
Inky love x
