All my work is packed with symbolism, whether it be hidden or in a more obvious form.
Here is one that you will find in my art.

• The pyramid is constricted with a solid square base, supporting 4 triangular sides.
• Pyramids are ancient towers created in the image of the Cosmic Mountain.
• The upward pointing triangle represents Fire. In Greek the word ‘Pyramid’ means Fire.

• They stand as an expression of the universal desire to reunite with heaven.
• The pyramids themselves became a symbol of Egypt.

If you add an inverted pyramid symbol on top of an upright one, it is known as a ‘creation sign’. The upper pyramid represents inspiration pouring from the heavens (a triangle on its point is also symbolic of water) The bottom pyramid shows aspiration & striving for the perfection of heaven. It also represents ‘ as above, so below’

• They stand as an expression of the universal desire to reunite with heaven.
• The pyramids themselves became a symbol of Egypt.
• The pyramid represents the axis mountain of the world. This mountain is said to have risen from the waters of creation & represents existence itself.

• Stepped pyramids culminate in a flat platform. A belief is still held that the closer man is to the sky, the nearer he is to heaven & the creator.
• The pyramid's smooth, angled sides symbolised the rays of the sun and were designed to help the king's soul ascend to heaven and join the gods, particularly the sun god Ra.
• Ancient Egyptians believed that when the king died, part of his spirit (known as “ka”) remained with his body. To properly care for his spirit, the corpse was mummified, and everything the king would need in the afterlife was buried with him.
• Together with the ‘Eye of Providence’ it has become associated with freemasonry, illuminati and ‘new world order’ conspiracy theories in popular culture.

Please note; The information is brief & you may want to research your own information.
| FLASH ART | Featuring Pyramids |
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Inky love x