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ON THE DESK | Finishing Art


ON THE DESK | Finishing Art |

| Forgotten Art |

I am quite good at starting art, but not great at finishing it. For one reason or another. I forget about it, move onto the next thing, get bored, don’t like the design, make a mistake, change my style, loose confidence in it  …. The list goes on ..

But this year, the plan is to finish the art I have started - Even if it is just for my reference! I can learn from it. 

Here is one I started years ago (It became a leather design) The 'plan' was to use lots of regular parallel lines or dashes (no dots on this one ) then add paper textures or digital watercolours, in neutral greyed tones.  

If you want to take a look at the leather art, you can read my blog post here 



Please do not use the art. 

On the Desk

Head over to Instagram to see more WIP art & other studio secrets


Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog.

Inky love x




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