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32 items found for "snake"

  • CUSTOM INK | Life Ever Changing

    As snakes shed their skin through sloughing, they are symbols of rebirth, transformation, immortality Tattoo Flash Head over to the shop to see flash designs which feature Snakes | Symbolism Thanks Huge

  • CUSTOM INK | Evolution Ouroboros | Archive

    The Ouroboros snake represents cycles of eternal change, the cycle of life and death, the cycle of seasons

  • CUSTOM INK | Awaking

    Tattoo Flash Head over to the shop to see flash designs which feature Sacred Geometry | Metatron | Snakes

  • DESIGN | Symbolism | Asanoha

    Note | This post contains a small amount of information on the symbol of the snake .

  • CUSTOM INK | Unity

    As such, it is a symbol of renewal & rebirth (especially since the snake sheds its skin) • It has been

  • CUSTOM INK | Aztec Planets

    He was often drawn with feathers and holding a sceptre made from a snake | | Symbolism |Read more about

  • NEW FLASH | Caduceus 2

    The design features stylised snakes with geometric shapes & staff wings. | Symbolism | The caduceus is the staff of Hermes (Mercury) The 2 snakes wound around it symbolise infinity, healing & peace, opposition

  • CUSTOM INK | Garden Of Eden | Archive

    Some depictions show him seated with a ram-headed snake by his side a symbolic gesture of renewal and

  • CUSTOM INK | Customised

    (Slide the images below) Symbolism | The caduceus is the staff of Hermes (Mercury) The 2 snakes wound

  • CUSTOM INK | Rose | Archive

    2016 | Archive | | Medium Custom Tattoo Design | 17 cm H X 16 cm W | This design features 2 entwined snakes

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